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The SaaS-Type HONGIKINGAN CMS Based on Cloud
The "subscription" content management platform without the need for installation
Full of rich know-how on website establishment!
All you need is HONGIKINGAN CMS Cloud.
"If you want to build a website, the right time is now! HONGIKINGAN CMS Cloud is all you need to get the job done.
Get through infrastructure establishment and management with NAVER Cloud! Web access and search
optimization is a piece of cake! Build your company's perfect website with ease!"
  • Are you interested in using HONGIKINGAN CMS Cloud?

  • Numerous major corporations and public institutes chose HONGIKINGAN CMS! It's your turn to use its cloud version!

  • Numerous major corporations and public institutes chose HONGIKINGAN CMS! It's your turn to use its cloud version!


"HONGIKINGAN CMS Cloud is the perfect match for
your business as a website creation tool."

  • Convenient website creation

  • Selection of suitable skins for business type

  • Powerful basic functions

  • Creation and management features for each bulletin board type

  • Statistics management linked with Google Analytics

  • Program management,
    including schedules and

  • Administrator and permission management features

  • Lightweight service
    enabled via MSA design

  • Search optimization (SEO) support

  • Equipped with responsive skin design, meeting web access requirements

  • Unlimited addition of pages, bulletin boards, galleries, banners, etc.

  • Automatically creation and distribution of metadata based on Dublin Core standard

  • Member management

  • Security certification (SSL) support

  • Compliance with eGovernment Standard Framework

"Get everything done with a simple process!
We make your website establishment easy."

Register Domain Select Skin Enter Content Complete

Optimal CMS cloud service for business
No infrastructure management with cloud-based SaaS CMS!
Recommended for companies that want efficient website management
Just choose a website skin and upload content!


Q. What's the difference between this version and the original HONGIKINGAN CMS?
A. The basic features are the same for HONGIKINGAN CMS Cloud and the original HONGIKINGAN CMS.

HONGIKINGAN CMS is an open platform, and you can customize its UI and features through Java. On the other hand, HONGIKINGAN CMS Cloud is a solution for clients who wish to build websites with illustrious and powerful features without any development knowledge. Therefore, you can select the skin of your choice and pick a pre-produced program without development work.

In terms of servers, the user had to procure the equipment manually for HONGIKINGAN CMS. In contrast, HONGIKINGAN CMS Cloud runs on the globally recognized NAVER Cloud, offering outstanding security and stability as well as convenience, as there is no need for user management.
Q. Are there any early costs for HONGIKINGAN CMS Cloud?
A. HONGIKINGAN CMS Cloud has no early costs.
You can pay for your required period, as we provide the service through a fixed monthly subscription. The solution is also affordable because you don't have to pay for the server.
Q. How good is HONGIKINGAN CMS Cloud's security?
It has acquired ISO/IEC 27001 certification, ensuring a world-class level of security.
Q. What should I do if I need maintenance?
A. There is no need for maintenance on the user's side. Because you use the service through a browser, you don't have to receive maintenance or updates. The solution also responds flexibly to user demand by displaying the latest screen immediately. Therefore, specialized management is available without the user's hand-picked management.