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DX Platform
yooncoms DX Platform is the best tool for your digital transformation.

yooncoms optimizes customer experience
through digital conversion.

With digital conversion, you can enhance customer experience quality and your company values.
  • 01Attract customers via
    demand concentration
  • 02Enhance
    company value
  • 03Upgrade customer
    experience quality
  • 04Data utilization and
    tailored services

Companies that take the lead are the ones
that succeed in digital conversion.

Over 90% of medium companies have realized the necessity for digital conversion.
  • Sell Products
  • Delivery
  • Hotel/accommodation
  • Bank
  • Top-Class Lectures

Expedite your digital conversion with
yooncoms DX Platform as the catalyst.

Our platforms provide outstanding performance in all areas, from traditional IT environment establishment to cloud-native environments.
  • From business expansion online
  • To customer-oriented cloud experience
  • And even cloud-native conversion

yooncoms DX platform is applicable across various types of industry.

  • Promotion
    Personal service consulting
    Medical and health services
    House appliances and product promotion
  • Finance
    Customer center
    Contactless work platform
    Sales support platform
  • Distribution
    Delivery platform
    Virtual showroom
  • OTT
    In-company broadcasting
    Online lecture platform
    Streaming service production
  • Education
    Museums for science, art, and other areas
    Education platforms for children and adults
    Platforms for book management and E-books
  • Rental/Reservation
    Shared resource reservation service
    Leisure facility reservation service
    Hotel/accommodation reservation service

yooncoms DX Platform is the best tool
for your digital transformation.

"Yoon Communications' digital conversion platform comes in a total package,
with "HONGIKINGAN CMS," the digital service integration platform, "yooncoms Archive," the OTT service integration platform, and "yooncoms LMS," the online and offline education integration platform."
yooncoms DX Platform for Your Digital Conversion
  • A Digital Service Integrated Platform
  • AN Online/Offline Education Integrated Platform
  • AN OTT Service Integrated Platform
  • Digital Conversion
    Platform Based on MSA
    yooncoms DX platform consists of MSA (Micro Service Architecture), which enables a modulization of common features and various functional programs. The platform offers a development environment with stable modulization in open cloud PaaS-TA (CSAP) as well as normal cloud settings.
  • All-in-One Package
    for Total Management
    The package has been released as an integrated solution by adding extra features to the basic functions of yooncoms DX Platform, which displays outstanding metadata management performance. You can combine features of your choice into the package, and it has become even more powerful with the incorporation of ChatGPT, customized AI, and blockchain.
  • Korea's First
    and Only!
    Become the first mover with the integration platform for cloud-native conversion. You can enjoy the integrated management of all elements within the conversion environment. The platform also enhances your business agility by enabling smooth program and information management in a single location.

Experience various features with yooncoms DX Platform,
the provider of total management.

  • Digital Service Integrated Platform HONGIKINGAN CMS
    Enabling website construction and content management with just a few clicks, this platform enables interaction with customers through integrated management of various channels.
  • Integrated online/offline education platform yooncoms LMS
    This platform enables conducting and managing all forms of classes, including online/offline classes, videos, and exams, transcending the constraints of time and space, and provides a systematic attendance system.
  • OTT service integration platform yooncoms Archive
    This platform allows for easy and rapid adoption of private video business, from in-house broadcasting to online subscription education platforms and video management.

Here are the organizations that have experienced the
effects of digital conversion with yooncoms DX Platform.

Increased work productivity of 20,000 domestic SMEs An integrated platform that reduces processing time by 93%

180minutes 12minutes 93.3%

Work convenience up by 25% and budget reduction by 50% through process simplification and automation

budget 50% , Usability 25%

"Established integrated reservation system for shared facilities for citizens in Gyeonggi-do and its 31 districts and public institutes, saving operating costs worth KRW 1 billion "

shared facilities 5300 1 Integrated reservation management solution