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Inquiry If you have any questions, please use our inquiry service below.
Items with asterisks (*) are required fields.
What do you want to learn more about?
Consent to Personal Information Policy

We collect your data based on our fundamental policy to protect your personal information and provide suitable services.
You must agree to our Personal Information Policy if you wish to receive an answer to your inquiry.

1. Purpose of Personal Information Collection and Use
Response and status management regarding customer inquiry

2. Items for Personal Information Collection
Company name, inquirer's name, email address, phone number

3. Period of Personal Information Retainment and Use
Your personal information is retained for 3 years after you consent to its collection and use; upon the expiry of such a period, the collected information shall be discarded without delay. However, if the company is legally required to preserve your personal information, the information shall be preserved for the period designated by relevant statutes.